Sunday, October 24, 2010


Kol haKfar gathers this Friday night at Ben and Jennie Folkinshteyn's apartment. We'll enjoy spirited Shabbat prayers, dive into a tasty dairy potluck and listen to a word of Torah. Ben and Jennie respectfully ask that all items brought to their home are hekshered kosher, and dairy/vegetarian. If you'd like to bring fruit or vegetables for a salad, please don't cut it up unless you have a kosher kitchen. Kosher wine and non-alcoholic beverages are encouraged, but really it's the side dishes that make our potlucks work best. You can easily pick up packaged kosher foods, or if you have a kosher kitchen, please cook up something tasty to share.

Please RSVP, and please indicate what you can bring. We'll cap attendance at 30.

Ben and Jennie Folkinshteyn, 7pm

In other news, our incorporation is more or less complete, and we'll be opening a bank account soon. Please stay tuned for an upcoming community meeting to discuss community goals, organizing a fund raiser, and locating an occasional rental space, preferably a furnished rental loft/party room downtown we can use a few times a year. We look forward to hearing your ideas and forming committees to pursue our goals.

Also, our fearless shaliach tzibor, Asher Weiss, is gigging this Thursday in Bushwick. Many of us will be there to show our support and listen to the sweet sounds of Weiss rocking out.
From Asher:

I'm playing my first ever show in my hood on Thurs, 10/28. Northeast Kingdom is great restaurant located right off the Jefferson stop on the L train -- only 15 minutes from Union Sq. The Den, downstairs, is a small, intimate room, perfect for folksy music. I'll be followed by singer-songwriter extraordinaire, Julia Weldon.

Thursday, 10/28
Asher Weiss 9pm
The Den @ Northeast Kingdom
18 Wyckoff Avenue -- corner of Wyckoff and Troutman / near the Jefferson Stop on the L train


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