Wednesday, September 08, 2010


Dear Friends,

Thanks to all of you for making Kol haKfar a success in 5770. It's been a time of tremendous growth. In the past year we've taken the first steps towards incorporation and we are creating new leadership opportunities. We've welcomed many new members, enjoyed generous new hosts and listened to mellifluous new prayer leaders. We also remain incredibly thankful to the many committed members, open-hearted hosts and inspiring leaders who have been with us over the years, laying the groundwork for where we are today.

Our success is the product of all of our efforts, whether you show up a few times a year or join us twice each month. If you host the minyan in your home or bring tasty food to share; lead us in prayer or simply add your voice to the group; recruit new members or show up alone. We're grateful for all of your efforts.

We also remember the sad circumstances that have brought several people to the minyan over the years. We're honored to be able to support them in their time of mourning, and to learn from them how to endure profound loss. We send you our love and offer your our condolences.

For this new year I personally wish each of you a happy, healthy, prosperous and meaningful 5771. May we all have larger apartments, discover more downtown hot spots, find deeper meaning in Torah, continue to pray to God, share more communal meals, enhance our friendships, contribute to those less fortunate, walk the moral path -- and never stop evolving as individuals.

Shana tova u'mtukah,

Zachary Thacher of Kol haKfar


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