Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Friday July 6th


Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, meets this Friday July 9th for an evening of tefillot and a vegetarian potluck meal at Carrie Kingsley's apartment. Please join us and please bring vegetarian food to share if you're attending the meal. Heksher not required. Please note there is a rather lazy dog in attendance for all those with allergies and/or who like to pet non humans.

Carrie Kingsley, 7pm
Email kolhakfar@yahoo.com for the address.

For those keeping score, we've mixed up the hosting schedule this month due to the July 4th holiday. We'll be returning to our first and third Friday of the month schedule in August.

KhK schedule:
July 9th: Carrie Kingsley near Union Square
July 23rd: Ben Stern in the West Village
August 6th: James Heyer by Madison Square Park
August 20th: Jonathan and Malorie, Lower East Side
In other news, one of our members, Jack Feldstein is giving a talk about screenplay writing this Thursday evening. Highly recommended for all writers in our crew. 6:30pm, Mid Manhattan Library at 40th and 5th.


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