Wednesday, March 31, 2010

April 2

Fellow Free People,

Please join us this Friday evening (April 2nd) to celebrate our freedom with Kol haKfar -- the Voice of the Village -- by enjoying Shabbat and a kosher-for-Pesah meal. Our lovely hosts ask that you please bring kosher l'pesah packaged parve desserts, fruit and kosher for Pesah wine. (Almost all kosher wines are kosher for Passover, but please check the bottle.) Anyone who brings Slivovitz gets a free back rub by Asher.

Our very generous hosts are providing the main meat course with vegetarian sides, but the rest is up for us.

Please email us at for the address.

We are looking for hosts:
April 16th - please email us to volunteer.
April 30th - please email us to volunteer.
May 7th - please email us to volunteer. (back-to-back!)
May 14th - please email us to volunteer.

Happy Freedom!


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