Monday, January 04, 2010

January 8th, 2010 6:30pm


Welcome to the new(ish) year. I hope it's a happy and healthy one for all. Big thanks to Carrie Kingsley for hosting an amazing Chanukah party last month. My personal highlight was the delicious food and the impromptu Salsa dance lesson. After all, they have Chanukah in Puerto Rico. Que rico!

This Friday (1/8) the lovely Laura Nova hosts us in her incredible apartment in the sky for a night of prayer, socializing and dinner. She's serving a Vegetable Moussaka, so she asks people to bring anything they like; North African or Mediterranean themes are appreciated. We're also looking for people to bring salad, fruit, challot, kosher wine, etc. Please RSVP to to indicate what you can bring.

Laura Nova, 6:30pm
383 Grand, Apt. M11-03 (Seward Park building)

Our schedule going forward:

Jan 22 -- Leora Singer by Madison Square Park
Feb 5 -- Zachary Thacher in the West Village, with dinner
Feb 19 -- we need a host!
March 5 -- we need a host who can also do dinner!
March 19th -- we need a host!


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