Monday, October 05, 2009

Friday, October 9th


We're in for a special Shabbat, which is also Shmini Atzeret. Ben and Jennie Folkinshteyn are treating the minyan to a kosher meat dinner at their lovely apartment after davening this Friday night. Please email us for more info.

They keep strictly kosher, so they ask guests to please only bring kosher wine, packaged hekshered parve desserts, un-cut fruit like berries or grapes, kosher challah or non-alcoholic drinks like seltzer or hekshered juice. Since they have limited space, we're keeping the guest list to 23 for the meal. If you'd like to attend, please RSVP to by Wednesday evening (or until the list is full) and indicate what you can bring. Last thing: since it's a chag we ask people who have Art Scroll siddurim to bring a few extra copies. Our standard hand-outs are for non-chag Shabbats.

We meet again on October 23rd at Paul Fischer's apartment on the Village. We're looking for hosts for November and December. Please email us to open your home to the minyan.

Happy Sukkot!
Local Succahs
Washington Square Park
16th Street Synagogue
Community Synagogue
Chasam Sopher
Adereth El
Bronfman Center


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