Monday, July 06, 2009

Upcoming: July 10th, 2009

Shalom friends,

Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan with the most bad ass kahal in Manhattan, gathers this Friday night for another spiritual jam session with God, the universe, and your fellow Jewish brothers and sisters. We're davening at 7pm and then having our monthly community pot luck vegetarian meal. Bring wine, bring real food, abstain from hummus, have a good time. Please RSVP saying if you can make it and what you're bringing. Mainly we need side dishes and wine and your friends.

Zachary Thacher's apartment
41 Grove St, 4b, 7pm
between Bleecker and Bedford, just off 7th Ave South

We're always looking for hosts and those who can lead davening. But only if you're a rock star. Email us.

Shavua tov,

Zachary and Co.


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