Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Kol haKfar -- the downton egalitarian minyan -- meets this Friday night May 15th at Jonathan Schecter and Malorie Ferrick's lovely LES apartment for davening and a kiddush. We'll daven at 7pm. Please bring tasty kosher items to share!

Jonathan Schecter
385 Grand St., Apt L1304
(Seward Park building)

Also, we've tallied all your votes for the Shavuot event, and the winner is hosting a special Kol haKfar gathering on Friday night, May 29th, location TBD
Please let us know if you'd like to host. We're going to daven Friday night prayers, enjoy a fun dairy meal with Shavuot themed cocktails and have a study session of the Book of Ruth and other interesting Shavuot related ideas.

Please RSVP to this special holiday event, and indicate if you can help run it.

-- Kol haKfar

Meals every month: We are now having dinners after davening on the first Friday of every month.

We're asking people to bring easy-to-purchase side dishes & beverages, and we'll work with the host to provide a main course. Just pick up a bottle of wine, bag salad or packaged food. We'll do the rest. (Want to help? Email Amanda at aschneider@fulbrightweb.org)

Learn to Lead: We're offering one-on-one courses to teach people how to lead Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv.

Have a great voice and can stay in key, rusty with your Hebrew, or can't remember the tunes? We'll get you up to speed in a private setting, and then join you in leading your inaugural davening session. To schedule a session, please email benjamin.pollack@gmail.com or jsschecter@gmail. com

Host the minyan: Ben Folkinshteyn is scheduling the minyan hosts going forwards. Please contact him at kolhakfar.hosting@gmail.com to welcome us into your home. We gather on the first and third Friday of every month.


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