Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Sorry for the delay in email, it's been that kind of week.

We are meeting this Friday night in a very special location - Elizabeth Cate's amazing loft in Greenwich Village. We'll also have a special kiddush and d'var Torah afterwards to celebrate life -- feel free to contribute a kosher dairy item. Elizabeth's home is kosher so all food needs to be hekshered, including wine. The minyan will also be providing a few items as well courtesy of our grant from the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Which we will liberally spend.

Elizabeth Cate, 6pm
125 West 3rd Street #3C between 6th Avenue and MacDougal Street

The parsha this week is Vayeishev - featuring dreams, fabulous outfits and good old-fashioned fratricide.

See you soon!


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