Monday, October 13, 2008

Gathers 10/17


Chag sameach! From out of the introspection and fierce commitments to self and neighbor on Yom Kippor we now enter the joyous, life affirming Sukkot. The chag begins tonight and goes until Wednesday sundown.

We are gathering this Friday night (10/17) at Chez Zachary to celebrate Shabbat, and we are in the throes of finding a Sukkah for an after-davening kiddush or meal, so stay tuned. Also, we are now meeting at 6pm due to the sun's ever earlier descent. We we continue meeting at 6pm every other Friday until the spring.

Zachary Thacher, 6pm
41 Grove St, 4B
between Bleecker and Bedford, off of 7th Ave South

The Torah parsha is V'Zot HaBeracha -- and with it marks our completion of a full year (well, almost, we skipped a few in B'rashit) of Kol haKfar d'vrei Torah! 


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