Friday, September 19, 2008

Davening and High Holiday Services


Kol haKfar -- the Voice of the Village -- meets tonight (9/19) at 7pm to celebrate Shabbat and enjoy a potluck kiddush. Please bring vegetarian snacks or desserts to share; kosher wine is a plus.

Zachary Thacher, 7pm
41 Grove St, 4B
(Between Bleecker and Bedford, just off 7th Ave South)

The parsha for this Shabbat is Ki Tavo. It's about tithing so bring tasty morsels to share to get in the spirit of the parsha!

We need more hosts this fall. Please email us ( to donate your space. It's easy to host, and a great way to contribute to the community.


There are loads of free High Holiday services, the first of which Kol haKfar co-hosts:

1) Free Conservative-styled services in the West Village, co-hosted by Kol haKfar --

These are great, laid back, lovely services for both holidays in a borrowed church on Christopher Street. We are a co-sponsor, which means everyone is invited to a lovely break-fast in a townhouse down the street from the church. RSVP is a must.
Highly recommended, and the cantor needs volunteers for Torah services, etc.
Daniel Neiden leads, with a sermon by a rabbi.

2) Town and Village syngagogue has a free community service that is wonderful on East 14th street --

Great, Conservative services in a warm, friendly synagogue, many young people. The free tickets go fast, so literally call them today.

3) Ohel Ayala, a laid back, beginners friendly community is hosting free services again this year in the Village and in Brooklyn. ---

No tickets or planning is required, just walk in -- but there are only limited services, so check the website to see what they offer.


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