Monday, September 15, 2008

9/19 Gathering


Kol haKfar -- the Voice of the Village -- meets this Friday night (9/19) at 7pm to celebrate Shabbat and enjoy a potluck kiddush. Please bring vegetarian snacks or desserts to share; kosher wine is always a plus.

Zachary Thacher, 7pm
41 Grove St, 4B
(Between Bleecker and Bedford, just off 7th Ave South)

The parsha for this coming Shabbat isĀ Ki Tavo. It's about tithing and bringing first fruits to the Temple. Please bring tasty morsels to share to get in the spirit of the parsha!

We need more hosts this fall. Please email us here ( to donate your space (thanks to all who have done so already) and we'll contact with you. It's easy to host, and a great way to contribute to the community.

I'm thinking of hosting a Yom Kippor break-fast, but can only fit 22 or so people. Please RSVP here if you're interested in attending a break-fast. It's still in the early stages, but if there's interest in may happen.

Shavuah tov,

Zachary and Co.


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