Monday, June 09, 2008

Gathers this Friday


Kol haKfar -- the Voice of the Village -- gathers this Friday night, June 13th, at 7pm to celebrate Shabbat and to have a potluck vegetarian dinner. Rebecca Milzoff and Abbe Finberg are our hosts at their east side apartment. Zachary will lead an interactive drash -- the parsha this week is B'haalotecha and features trophy wives, leprosy and meat.

Birthright Israel will make a contribution to Kol haKfar for sponsoring a community meal, which we can use to fund future kiddushes. Please RSVP to and we'll take care of doing the fundraising through Birthright, but we need you to RSVP. This is a potluck meal:

Last names:
A -S: please bring a main dish or two side dishes to share.
T - Z: please bring a beverage to share, kosher wine or fruit juice is a plus.

See you Friday, and please RSVP!


Anya says:
Hello Chevra!
Happy Shavuot!
If you have the ability and/or pent-up desire to host KolHakfar on FRIDAY, JUNE 27 (that's in 2 weeks)
please email me ASAP!

Next opportunities to host will be July 25, August 8, and August 22 so if you can commit to one of those, please don't hesitate! Mr. Zachary Thacher is hosting on July 11.


This summer, join more than 300 people from a wide range of
backgrounds at the National Havurah Committee's 30th Summer Institute,
"Blessed is the One who spoke the world into Being," August 11-17,
2008 at Franklin Pierce University, in Rindge, NH. Together we will
spend a week of in-depth study, moving prayer, spirited conversation,
creative arts, social justice work, and enriching experiences for
children and families. We'll enjoy late-night jam sessions, singing,
dancing, swimming, meditation, and hiking, all while building new
connections. Some scholarships and travel grants are still available.
THE NATIONAL HAVURAH COMMITTEE is a nondenominational, pluralistic,
egalitarian, intergenerational, and volunteer-run organization, which
has been dedicated to participatory Jewish living and learning, joyful
grassroots Judaism, community building, and tikkun olam (repairing the
world), since the 1970s. For more information, visit

Happy Shavuot,


Kol haKfar
The Downtown Egalitarian Minyan
To contact, email


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