Monday, February 11, 2008

KhK gathers this Friday


Kol haKfar -- the downtown egal minyan -- gathers this Friday 2/15 at 6pm to celebrate Shabbat, and to have a potluck dinner. Please join us for spirited prayer and a discussion about Tetzaveh -- the parsha of light.

Please RSVP so we can sort out who's bringing what. Meals to share are encouraged, but we also need challah, kosher wine and other beverages.

Zachary Thacher's apartment
41 Grove St, 4B

Call for Hosts!!!
Kol HaKfar must expand its circle of hosts to remain a vibrant community. To that end, we are trying to put together a rough schedule for the next few months. If you have ever hosted, if you have ever wanted to host, if you think your apartment is too small, if you know a friend's place we can borrow: Email Anya Kamenetz at Anyaanya@gmail. com. We're trying to stay in Manhattan below 20th street, but if you fall outside that radius, get in touch anyway.

Thank you!

Zachary and Co.
Kol haKfar
The Downtown Egalitarian Minyan
To contact, email


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