Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Nov 16th Party


Kol haKfar -- the Voice of the Village -- meets again on November 16th. We'll gather at Anya and Adam's loft in Williamsburg for our 5th year anniversary! We'll have spirited davening, a pot luck meal, awe-inspiring words of Torah, and a party to celebrate our half-decade of community and tefillot. The parsha will be toldot.

Until then, you should know about two free events for this Shabbat, November 9th:

Town & Village Synagogue, a downtown Conservative schul, has a free dinner for young peeps with beer and pizza after davening. More info here. This is always well attended and highly recommended.

Techiya of Harlem, an uptown egal minyan, is having davening and a meal at Amanda Medpoler's apartment on 117th. Email for more info. Or you can read about it here.

See you on November 16th!



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