Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Kol haKfar has a few announcements:

1 - Asher Weiss is singing and playing guitar tonight (Tuesday) in the basement of Niagara, at Avenue A and 7th, at 9pm. Many KhK'ers will be there!

2 - The minyan is gathering this Friday night at 7pm at Denny's apartment, with a kiddush sponsored by David Pasteelnick. Please bring siddurs and kavanah!

60 East 8th street Apt 12P
Between Broadway & Mercer - 7pm

3 - Malaika is inviting whomever would like to join her after davening this Friday to attend a dinner she's hosting on the Upper East Side. Contact her for more information. Sharsheret@aol.com

4 - We will meet in Williamsburg on June 1st at Anya and Adam's loft for an experimental gathering and a potluck dinner. Why Williamsburg? It seems fun, and we are low on people willing to host downtown. If we want to keep the minyan going, we will need to branch out. This will be an interesting challenge.

5 - Below is a schedule in progress for summer hosting. Please volunteer!

Date Host Kiddush
5/18/2007 Denny David
6/1/2007 Anya Potluck
6/15/2007 Eva Zachary/Eva
7/6/2007 ? ?
7/20/2007 Zachary ?


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