Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Kol haKfar gathers this Friday night at 7pm at Eva Stern's apartment to celebrate Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv. Thanks to those who agreed to supply a great kiddush.

Please email us at kolhakfar@yahoo.com for directions.

Please bring siddurim since we've been running short lately.


1) High Holy Days in the Village

Please email Daniel Neiden, at bozofish@aol.com, to be a part of the team to put on egalitian Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippor services this upcoming new year.

Daniel's been able to MC both sessions himself in the past, but this year he has to go home to Lincoln, Nebraska for the high holy days, so he can't put on the event. That said, he has a Torah, a space, and a lot of other great things. Want to see free holiday services in the Village? Get involved with Daniel: bozofish@aol.com.

2) Ethiopian Shabbat Dinner on the 14th Street Y Rooftop

Join the 14th St Y for an Ethiopian Shabbat dinner: vegetarian dishes and sheba tej (honey wine). Guests include Ethiopian artist Avishai Mekonen, who will speak about his documentary Judaism & Race.

Friday, June 22, 2007
8:00PM / 344 East 14th Street @ 1st Avenue
$20 by June 13, $30 by June 19
Pre-registration required. Space is limited. / call 212.780.0800 ext. 221.
For more info Alyssa_Abrahamson@14StreetY.org

Minyan Survey

Over the past 4 years, Kol haKfar has played a role in an important new phenomenon in Jewish life: the creation of independent minyanim. We know very little about the thousands of people associated with these new endeavors. Who are we? What are our concerns? How do we feel about the communities we're creating, joining, and building? Why do we participate?

To answer these questions, Kol haKfar is participating in a survey designed by the sociologist Steven M. Cohen in partnership with Mechon Hadar (Elie Kaunfer) and the S3K Synagogue Studies Institute (Shawn Landres). Their goal - and ours - is to find out more about the participants, members, partners, and “acquaintances” of these new spiritual communities. The end results of this work will be a portrait of the interests, values, and concerns of not only Kol haKfar, but of a critical innovative turn in American Judaism.

www.communitysurvey.info is the survey. Your answers are confidential.


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