Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Friday, Oct 26th at 7pm


Kol haKfar meets again this Friday, Oct 26th at 7pm.

Thanks for the many RSVPs. We ask those who RSVP'ed -- and who haven't -- to please show up so can have a minyan. As an incentive, our very own hipster MC, Asher Weiss, will lead one of the services. We'll have a great kiddush afterwards.

Also, I will lead another drash. This time we'll discuss what it means for Abraham to experience so many personal spiritual journeys -- leaving his homeland, arguing with God, raising his knife to slay his son -- and then have to return to the very real, mundane world of everyday life, like dealing with servants, tending sheep, investing in goat futures.

How do you carry personal insights and experiences of holiness into the real world? Why does the Torah repeat this theme of a return to the quotidian -- like with Moshe after Har Sinai? What does it tell us about the Jewish perspective on internal change and external action? We encourage you to read the parsha and add your own thoughts and comments. And there's even another mention of the weird Sarah/Abraham sibling relationship...

Zachary Thacher
41 Grove St, 4B 7pm
(between Bleecker and Bedford)

Please bring siddurim and snacks to share for kiddush!

-- Zachary


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