Thursday, January 31, 2008

Feb 1st Gathering


Kol haKfar meets this Friday night, Feb 1st, at Zachary's apartment for spirited davening, a pot luck dinner and a Torah discussion.

We prefer people to bring main courses to share. Our kosher policy is to bring dairy or pareve foods, or anything vegetarian. We do not have a strict heksher policy, but please check that all ingredients are cool. But please bring only kosher wine. Lots of it.

Thanks for those who RSVP'ed in advance. For the rest of you, feel free to come with or without an RSVP -- we can all squeeze in.

Zachary Thacher's place
41 Grove St, 4B
(near the corner of Bleecker and Grove)

The parsha this week is Mishpatim - this will form the heart of the many, many, many mitzvot we will follow for ever more. Among other items in this week's list, we'll learn why we don't mix milk and meat (is it to distinguish ourselves from Canaanite rituals, or an ancient aversion to cheeseburgers?) and how God paved the way for Jews to make excellent litigators. He's the ultimate client, so to speak, and we are his general counsel.

Have a great week,

Kol haKfar
The Downtown Egalitarian Minyan
To contact, email


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