Thursday, March 20, 2008



Kol haKfar -- the Voice of the Village -- gathers this Friday night at 7pm to celebrate Shabbat. Please bring siddurim and join us:

Denny Levy - 60 East 8th street Apt 12P between Broadway & Mercer, 7pm -- PLEASE NOTE THE NEW TIME

I won't be able to attend, so if a few people who enjoy leading musical tefillot can RSVP to me, it'd make things easier.

We will have a light potluck kiddush, so if you can pick up a snack to share like cookies or juice, please do so. Cookies and juice actually sounds like snacks I ate in the fourth grade, so perhaps someone can bring (kosher) wine for the (naughty) 6th graders.

Shabbat Shalom vey Chag Purim Sameach,

Zachary and Co.
Kol haKfar
The Downtown Egalitarian Minyan
To contact, email


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