Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Kol haKfar -- aka Voice of the Village -- the downtown egalitarian minyan, gathers this Friday night to celebrate Shabbat and to have a kiddush afterwards at the new time of 7pm. Please join us at the always lovely apartment of:

Benjamin Pollack and Ben Wolf
154 E. 29th St., Apt 8A
SW corner of E. 29th Street and 3rd Avenue at 7pm

Coming up Eva Stern will host davening on April 17th, and Laura Nova will host davening and a meal on May 1st.



Meals every month: We are now having dinners after davening on the first Friday of every month..

Our first monthly meal will be May 1st at Laura Nova's new apartment in the LES. We're asking people to bring easy-to-purchase side dishes & beverages, and we'll work with the host to provide a main course. Just pick up a bottle of wine, bag salad or packaged food. We'll do the rest. (Want to help? Email Amanda at aschneider@fulbrightweb.org)

Learn to Lead: Jonathan Schecter and Benjamin Pollack are offering one-on-one courses to teach people how to lead Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv.

Have a great voice and can stay in key, rusty with your Hebrew, or can't remember the tunes? These fine gentlemen will get you up to speed in a private setting, and then join you in leading your inaugural davening session.
To schedule a session, please email benjamin.pollack@gmail.com or jsschecter@gmail.com

Host the minyan: Ben Folkinshteyn is scheduling the minyan hosts going forwards. Please contact him at kolhakfar.hosting@gmail.com to welcome us into your home. We gather on the first and third Friday of every month.

Happy almost Passover!


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