Monday, January 05, 2009


Kol haKfar -- the Voice of the Village -- gathers this Friday January 9th at 6pm in Murray Hill to celebrate Shabbat. We'll follow up services with a d'var Torah and a kiddush, please bring an item to contribute if you're so moved. Our lovely hosts are Benjamin and Ben.

Benjamin Pollack and Ben Wolf, 6pm
154 E. 29th St. apt. 8A
(SW corner of 29th and 3rd)

The parsha this week is Vayechi -- it ends our triumphs in Egypt, and begins the long, long days of suffering. Somehow we'll make it fun and interactive.

Also, on January 23rd Jonathan and Malorie will be hosting us in their new apartment in the LES, and with a catered meal!

Have a great week,

Zachary and co.


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