Monday, February 16, 2009


We've had a lot of new members lately and we're excited by our new hosts Jennie and Ben! They've opened up their beautiful home to us in Murray Hill for davening and a gourmet kiddush this Friday. Please join us. As always, Kol haKfar (the "Voice of the Village") is a traditional, egalitarian minyan. We welcome everyone to join us.

Please note that our hosts keep a shomer Shabbat and kosher home. All this means is that if you could kindly bring an item for the kiddush, please makes sure it has a heksher -- a stamp on it that says it's kosher. Or just bring some fruit or kosher wine to keep it simple. We'll also supply some gourmet items to entice you uptown.

Since we're meeting in a new location we want to make sure we get a minyan. If you can RSVP ( it helps us keep a head count.

See you this Friday.

Zachary and Co.


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