Friday, March 20, 2009


Kol haKfar -- the downtown egal minyan -- has developed several new programs:

Meals every month: Amanda Schneider and Zachary Thacher are working -- with all of you -- to produce dinners after davening on the first Friday of every month. People clamored for regular meals, now you're getting them.

Our first monthly meal will be May 1st at Laura Nova's new apartment in the LES. We're asking people to bring easy-to-purchase side dishes & beverages, and we'll work with the host to provide a main course. Coming straight from work to services? Don't know what that big thing with the fire is in your kitchen? Just pick up a bottle of wine, bag salad or packaged food. We'll do the rest.
(Want to help us? Email Amanda at

Learn to Lead: Jonathan Schecter and Benjamin Pollack are now offering one-on-one courses to teach people how to lead Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv.

Do you have a great voice and can stay in key, but been too shy, rusty with your Hebrew, or can't remember the tunes when it comes to leading davening? Either one of these fine gentelmen will help you get up to speed in a private, one-on-one setting, and then join you in leading your inaugural davening session at Kol haKfar. We know great voices are out there, now's your chance to become a shalieach tzibor -- a public leader.

To schedule a session, please email or
(Want to tutor? Email

Host the minyan: One of our newer members, Ben Folkinshteyn, takes the reins from Anya Kamenetz to schedule hosts. He'll also be scheduling prayer leaders for each session in an effort to bring in new talent. Have a small cramped apartment but want to host? No worries, we'll squeeze. Have a palatial pad and are worried about making a mess? That's what draping furninture with bed sheets are for.

EmailĀĀ to welcome us into your home. We gather on the first and third Friday of every month.


We're gathering tonight at Paul Fischer's heavenly abode at 6pm for davening.
9 Barrow Street, 5F
between West 4th St and the intersection of Bleecker and 7th Ave South

There will be a kiddush afterwards, please bring an item to share.


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