Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dear Friends,

Please join us this Friday evening at 7pm to celebrate Shabbat, enjoy a potluck DAIRY meal and engage in a late night tikkun -- study session -- about the holiday of Shavuot, which kicks off this Thursday evening and continues to Saturday night.

Please RSVP and indicate what you can bring to share. Doesn't have to be kosher if it's vegetarian. We need side courses that can be cooked at home or picked up from Gourmet Garage or someplace like that. We don't need hummus (the honorable Paul Fischer takes care of that with his homemade recipe) and we'll always be happy for wine and non-alcoholic beverages.

Zachary Thacher's place -- 7pm
41 Grove St, 4B
(Between Bleecker and Bedford in the West Village)

Happy four-day work week! (Or even less if you're taking off Friday for the chag.)

Zachary and Co.


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