Monday, December 14, 2009

Friday Dec 18th is good luck!


In honor of Shabbat and Chanukah, Carrie Kingsley will host a festive gathering at her place as replete with homemade latkes after davening. So yes, that means we'll be having three community Shabbat meals in a row. Crazy but real.

Please RSVP indicating what you can bring to this dairy/vegetarian meal. If you get this note via Yahoo or Facebook, please email us at Also, we need hosts for January 8th and 22nd. Please volunteer! The more divine sparks, the better. (Which is basically the Jewish way of saying instant karma. Sort of.)

Carrie Kingsley, 6:30pm

See you Friday,

Kol haKfar


Meals every month: We host dinners on the first Friday of the month. Please bring side dishes or beverages, we'll work with the host to provide a main course. Kosher observance level varies by host. Want to help with set up or planning? Please email
Learn to Lead: To schedule a musical training session, please email or jsschecter@gmail. com
Host the minyan: Ben Folkinshteyn is scheduling minyan hosts. Please contact him at to welcome us into your home.


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