Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tu b'Shevat


Thanks to Leora Singer for hosting and cooking a delicious meal last Leil Shabbat, especially since it wasn't an official meal night. Also, special shout outs to Max Gross for the kosher wine tasting and to our newest member, Jared Weinstein, for bringing yet another bottle of scotch. It was a merry evening, never mind the orange vodka that showed up at some point.

Friday night is Tu B'Shevat. There are two options downtown. If people would like to gather as a Kol haKfar crew, post your plans to the Kol haKfar wall on Facebook. All events require tickets in advance.

Stanton Street Shul -- hosts a dinner and program starting at 6pm. Go to the website to sign up. 180 Stanton Street, right by Clinton -- LES.

Chabad of Soho -- I know nothing about this new Chabad, but it seems worth checking out. They have a fun sounding celebration with drinks following "short" services. Kiruv time!

Our schedule:
Feb 5 -- Zachary Thacher in the West Village, with dinner
Feb 19 -- HOST NEEDED! Please email kolhakfar@yahoo.\com
March 5 -- Paul Fischer, with dinner
March 19th -- Carrie Kingsley in Union Square


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