Monday, January 18, 2010

January 22nd


Kol haKfar, aka "Voice of the Village" -- the downtown egalitarian minyan -- meets this Friday evening for prayers and a social kiddish at lovely Leora Singer's apartment. Please feel free to bring a tasty snack to share. Also, we'll need to end the evening around 9ish.

Leora Singer, 6:30pm

Our schedule:
Feb 5 -- Zachary Thacher in the West Village, with dinner
Feb 19 -- HOST NEEDED! Please email us:
March 5 -- Paul Fischer, with dinner
March 19th -- Carrie Kingsley in Union Square

To host, please email us.

Also, Asher Weiss is playing at The Local 269 Saturday, January 23rd, at 8pm SHARP. Come celebrate the new decade with new songs.

The Local 269 / 269 E. Houston St. @ Suffolk


Meals every month: We host dinners the first Friday of the month. Please bring side dishes or beverages, we'll work with the host to provide a main course. Kosher observance level varies by host. Want to help with set up or planning? Please email amanda@alum.
Learn to Lead: To schedule a musical training session, please email or
Host the minyan: Please email us here, or at to host the minyan.


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