Monday, March 01, 2010

Community announcement


It's been an incredible eight years at Kol haKfar. We have inspiring lay-led prayer leadership by Asher, David, Eva, Benjamin, Jonathan and others; amazing hosts in Leora, Ben/Jennie, Benjamin/Ben, Jonathan/Malorie, Laura, Paul, Carrie and others; a welcoming and positive attitude to Jews across a wide spectrum of practice, sexuality, gender and origin; and of course, legendary gatherings for worship and celebration. All on Friday nights in downtown Manhattan, which lacks many resources available to Jews elsewhere.

We've truly created a community to take pride in. Apparently, others are proud of it too. As many have noticed, we're exceeding the limits of most living rooms. We'll be making a few changes to keep up with the times. (Feedback and constructive suggestions are needed and welcome.)

1) More meals: We're now offering meals with every gathering to try spread out spikes in attendance, and to have more fun. If you want to stay after services for the meal, please bring vegetarian food to share. If you're a host, please be willing to make or buy a simple main course to anchor the meal. Don't have time or cash? We can help coordinate shopping, bring food, or cook with you the night before -- and we're going to search for external funds to cover future hosting costs. We'll also be getting rid of RSVPs because it's too much to manage. Instead, we'll use the honor system. If you like eating, bring a side dish or dessert to share. As always, kashrut varies by host.

2) More money: A few helpful, smart, handsome friends are registering us as a religious organization so we can solicit tax-exempt funds. This means we'll need people to find money that's out there for groups like ours. We need your help. Please email us at to volunteer your networking skills to find grants and angels. We don't need a lot.

3) More space: While we experiment with having meals every time, we also need to find a cheap, good-sized space we can use a few times a year for parties or gatherings when we have no hosts. Know of a space south of 34th Street that fits our lounge-core personality? Please let us know, or please start hunting for one. This alone will help us to continue to provide services to all.


This Friday the lovely Paul Fischer hosts the minyan for davening and a meal. Please join us and bring vegetarian food to share. Wine is nice and sometimes you have no time to buy food, but, if in doubt, please bring food.

Paul Fischer, 6:30pm
9 Barrow St., Apt. #5F
(between West 4th St and the intersection of Bleecker and 7th Ave South)


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