Monday, July 19, 2010

Friday July 23rd


Kol haKfar -- the Voice of the Village -- meets this Friday for a night of spirited prayer and a pot luck meal at Ben Stern's place. Please join us, and please bring vegetarian or kosher meat dishes to share. Ben is serving a kosher meat dish, so this will be a meal rounded out with meat or vegetarian dishes that you bring if you're staying for the meal. For veggie dishes, heksher is not required.

Ben Stern, 7pm
15 W. 12th St. Apt. 9FG (corner of 5th, northwest side)

In others news, we are about to be incorporated and begin modest fund raising. Stay tuned for an update in a few weeks.

Allyna Steinberg is hosting an event:

Let's Listen - Learn - Talk About Money!
Where – and how -- do the worlds of wealth and poverty collide? Join us for an evening with a multimedia presentation, a local expert on poverty and wealth inequality, and an opportunity to tap into the knowledge and perspectives in our own midst, you will leave this interactive evening with new information, new questions and likely new friends.

Thursday, July 29th, 7pm - 9pm
Bronfman Center for Jewish Student Life, 5th Floor
7 East 10th Street
To register:

This event is brought to you by the Pursue City Team. Pursue sparks and sustains social change by channeling the passion of Jewish change-makers in their 20s and 30s into action for a more just world.


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