Monday, August 30, 2010


Kol haKfar -- the Voice of the Village traditional egalitarian minyan -- gathers for the last time in 5770 this Friday night at the lovely Laura Nova's apartment in the Lower East Side. We're not sure yet if it's a meat or dairy meal, but please do bring something to share. Since it's Labor Day weekend we ask people to kindly RSVP so we can have an idea on numbers and food. The parsha is Nitzavim-Vayelech. Also, we're eagerly seeking hosts for the next gatherings, all in 5771!

Friday night:
Laura Nova - 383 Grand, Apt. M11-03 (Seward Park building)

We need hosts:
9/24 (Sukkot -- any ideas on how we can gather in a sukkah? Have one in your building?)

Last bit: we're sitting on several emails detailing various free Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippor prayer services around town. If someone would like to volunteer to compile them in one handy message, please let us know ( so we can get the information out to you all. It would be a great help to the community. Many thanks to Baylene for forwarding them to us.

See you Friday,

Kol haKfar


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