Monday, August 02, 2010

Friday Aug 6

Shalom People,

Kol haKfar --the Voice of the Village egalitarian downtown minyan -- gathers this Friday night at another new apartment, courtesy of the generous and dapper James Heyer. Should be a great way to end the week. We're having a vegetarian potluck dinner, no heksher required. Please bring food to share if you are staying for dinner. We always need kosher wine and non-alcoholic beverages, but food is the most necessary. If in doubt, please bring food.

James Heyer, 7pm

In other news, I sent a long email last Monday regarding minyan incorporation. You can go to for a re-cap. The most salient point is we're having a meeting 8/23 to form a Board of Trustees at 7:30pm at 41 Grove St, 4B. At this point we have enough people to move forward. I'm very thankful for your comments, advice, participation and support. If for some reason you haven't yet contacted me regarding the Board, please do so at as soon as possible. Otherwise, I'm going to assume that by now I have a final list.

Shavua tov,



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