Monday, July 26, 2010

Board announcement


Thanks to Ben Stern for generously hosting Kol haKfar last Shabbat. All of our meals are expensive and time consuming to prepare; we're grateful for Ben's efforts.

Someone left a compact tube of lipstick at his place. Please email me ( to make the happy reunion.

8/6 - James Heyer, 7pm, Madison Square Park
8/20 - Jonathan & Malorie, 7pm, LES
9/3 - Laura Nova, 7pm, LES

Most importantly, I want to clarify the announcement I gave last Friday.

This board will create a bank account, raise funds and tackle other matters, like printing up more siddurim, looking into a space for holiday parties or even to eventually house the minyan. However... community participation will always be our hallmark. We will continue to have open, anyone-can-come meetings every so often for board members and non-board members alike to share their thoughts. And you can always contact me individually with suggestions or ideas.

If you'd like to be on the board, please keep reading:

Joining the board has legal implications you may need to clear with your employer, and it requires critical responsibilities like attending regular board meetings, helping raise funds, running the bank account, and other obligations requiring your time and energy.

There are two requirements to be considered eligible to join the Kol haKfar Board of Trustees:

1) You will need to attend an open meeting on August 23rd at 7:30pm at my apartment: 41 Grove St, 4B. Here we will decide who in the room is on the board, and will sign the documents
required to create the legal entity. If you cannot attend this meeting, you cannot be on the board -- unless there is some critical extenuating circumstance you have cleared with me well in advance.

2) You will need to have joined us for at least 50% of all gatherings in the past 12 months. This means showing up on average of once a month for the past year. It is important that the board consist of community members who have shown a sustained and frequent commitment to participating in the minyan. We do not take attendance; it's up to you if you feel like you meet this requirement.

If we have too many people who meet the requirements and want to join, we will have to whittle us down via a voting mechanism, asking people if they can truly commit to the responsibilities, or some other means of determining who should serve. A huge board that makes no decisions is not useful to anyone. We'll define this whittling down process if necessary.

For those who would like to join the board but haven't been with us for 12 months, or who haven't attended regularly in the past year, I respectfully ask for your patience. We will have elections in the future as we replace members and recruit new trustees. Please keep coming, and please stay active in the community.

You all know how I feel about this and most bureaucratic issues in general: True leadership isn't defined as a board membership. If you lead us in davening, if you host, if you contribute delicious items to our meals, and most importantly, if you show up to worship God and create community -- then you're a critical member of Kol haKfar. We all make this happen together.

If you meet our attendance requirement and would like to be considered to be on the Board, please attend the August 23rd meeting at 7:30pm at 41 Grove St 4B. Please also email me as soon as you can at

Thank you for your patience in reading this long email. I'm excited to open up this process and for those who decide to join us.

!שבוע טוב

Zachary Thacher


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