Thursday, September 16, 2010

Shalom Kol haKfarians,

!שנה טובה
Happy 5771 to you all!

Kol haKfar meets next Friday at Zachary's place in the West Village; we're still trying to find a Sukkah to go to that evening, even if just to say the brucha. I have an idea, but if people can help locate a sukkah downtown, that would be excellent.

More importantly, we're in need of hosts for the next few months. Please volunteer your place if you have a living space that can squeeze about 30 people -- anywhere south of 34th street. Word is that if you host you earn special bonus points during the Days of Awe -- Yamim haNoraim. Just sayin'...

9/24/2010 Zachary Thacher (Sukot)
10/1/2010 OPEN (Simchat Torah!)
10/15/2010 Carrie Kingsley
10/29/2010 OPEN
11/5/2010 OPEN
11/19/2010 OPEN
12/3/2010 OPEN (3rd Chanukah candle)

If you're looking for free Yom Kippor services, check out or

Have a meaningful, purifying and holy fast,

Zachary from Kol haKfar


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