Monday, September 20, 2010

September 24th, 2010 / 5771


Kol haKfar -- the downtown egalitarian minyan -- gathers this Friday night 9/24 to celebrate Shabbat, and hopefully to say the brucha in a Sukkah nearby after we eat. Stay tuned for details. We'll be gathering at Chez Zachary's for davening and a dairy meal. Since it's a relatively cozy space, please RSVP to and please indicate what you can bring. We'll have to cap attendance at 30.

Zachary Thacher, 7pm
41 Grove Street, 4B
Just west of 7th Avenue South

Also, stay tuned for a community leadership meeting this fall once we are officially incorporated. We'll be looking to you -- yes you! -- to help develop ideas and directions for the minyan in this new year. The agenda includes (a) organizing a fund-raiser and membership drive, and discussing what needs to be funded, (b) discussing finding a larger space for gatherings (c) establish a hosting/welcoming group and (d) additional miscellaneous items, such as forming a social action group, or whatever else you bring to the table as an agenda point.

Shavua tov,

Kol haKfar


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