Monday, September 27, 2010

Schedule Update


Thanks to all who came over last Friday night, it was great to have the minyan back in the West Village. Below is a slightly revised schedule for the rest of the year. Since we didn't get a host for this Friday, we're going to hold off on meeting again until October 15th. In the interim, we always encourage people to host Shabbat dinners and invite friends.

10/15/2010 -- Carrie Kingsley
10/29/2010 -- Ben and Jennie
11/5/2010 -- Leora Singer
11/19/2010 -- James Heyer
12/3/2010 -- Host needed
12/17/2010 -- Host needed

Shimini Atzeres and Simchas Torah are this Wednesday and Thursday nights, respectively. Many people will be on the UWS for hakafot and partying.

See you on the 15th!

Kol haKfar


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