Friday, May 10, 2013

 Shalom friends,

Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, is meeting on Tuesday evening to celebrate Shavuot at Leora’s apartment in Flatiron. We will provide part of the main meal but similar to aFriday night, we ask that you bring salads, side dishes and festive dairy desserts.

Apart from eating lots of dairy, one of the traditions on Shavuot is a Tikkun Leil where we learn, discuss ideas and help to make the world a better place. If you plan to attend we expect you to participate! We ask that everyone come with a verbal ‘tweet’ about Shavuot to share, which will hopefully spark different conversations. No more than 140 characters, but after a few White Russians, we won't be counting. The topic could be anything from a quick idea, to a question that you’re happy to talk more thoroughly, but we challenge everyone to find the most interesting (but relevant!) idea they can.

Please join us and please bring friends. Especially this time, we’d appreciate it if you let us know you're coming and what you're bringing – salad, fruit or cookies are all very welcome. Please email us at or fill in the spreadsheet (

Leora Singer, 7pm
email for the address:

Shabbat shalom,

Leora from KhK


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