Monday, April 15, 2013

Shalom Peoples,

Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, gathers this Friday in all new East Side location. Eithan Einwohner is very generously hosting the community for a joyous evening of Shabbat davening and fressing. 

We don't require RSVPs -- last minute folk are always welcome -- but it makes our hosts' lives way easier to get a headcount. Please let us know if you can attend and what you're bringing to the meal by emailing or filling out the spreadsheet We always need vegetarian side dishes, desserts and beverages.

Ethan Einwohner, 7pm
-- email us for the address -- 

In other news, if you think house plants are safe, then you aren't paying attention. Our very own David Pasteelnick performs in....

Little Shop of Horrors
Performances at The Hudson Guild Theatre
441 West 26th Street
Tickets: $25 Regular • $22 Senior/Student
Featuring: Zehra Abdi • Luisa Boyaggi • Lee Fabiaschi • Erik Hanson • Kristina Hoti • Hope Landry • Jim Mullins • David Pasteelnick • Dominic Paolillo

Performances April 18-28
Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, 8 pm 
Saturday Matinees, 2 pm
Sunday Matinees, 3 pm


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