Sunday, December 16, 2012


It's been a very sad week. Before we get into minyan business, I want to recognize how terrible the Newtown, CT tragedy is and how awful and sad many of us feel. If you would like to share your thoughts or feelings about the attack, please let me know and we can arrange for you to say a few short words at our Friday gathering. You can reach me at or at

In better and brighter news, we're having a full week for Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan:

1) On Wednesday evening we have our annual community meeting. All are encouraged to attend; only minyan members can vote. The board will present a finance update and we will accept nominations for Trustee and Secretary of KhK. The two-year term of office for Carrie Kingsley is up and she has graciously volunteered to serve again for the next three-year term. If any member would like to nominate him- or herself as trustee/Secretary, we will accept nominations at the start of the meeting and vote at the end. We will also discuss expanding the board by one or two seats -- and might have nominees and a vote -- to handle the crucial responsibility of new host and new member recruitment. Most importantly, we welcome any and all thoughts, ideas, criticisms, suggestions, hugs, poems and prayers from you. We need 10 people to attend for a quorum, so if you're interested in the future of KhK, we urge you to attend. RSVP to The meeting is at 7pm sharp at Zachary Thacher's place. (Email for address). Please be on time so your voice is heard. Pizza will be served. If you can't attend but have thoughts to share, please email the minyan at
2) Now onto the fun stuff. We meet this Friday night at Paul Fisher's elegant aerie in the ultra-charming West Village. This will be a vegetarian/dairy potluck meal. There's no need to RSVP and last minute attendees are heartily welcome, but we always appreciate it when you use the minyan spreadsheet ( to indicate what you're bringing.

Paul Fischer, 7pm
Email for the address.

In other news, we're facing a crunch for hosts. Please open your home to the minyan. Email us to schedule a time. The minyan offers reimbursement for food up to $75.

Here's to wishing the world a more peaceful, more loving and much safer week,

Zachary from KhK


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