Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Shalom Friends,

Kol haKfar gathers this Friday for a special Scotch Shabbat to kickoff the new year. We'll welcome 5773 with a festive meal, l'chaims and spirited davening. Please join us, and please bring friends. 

During this new year we're growing the minyan -- the best way to find great people to join us is to have beautiful people like you reach out to friends and colleagues seeking a friendly Jewish community downtown. Please tell them about Kol haKfar and bring them along to check us out. We're having several specially catered kosher meals in the new year, and a Sukkot dinner on an East Village rooftop.

This Friday, please bring a chaver or two and dairy/vegetarian food to share. The minyan supplies the Scotch. Carrie Kingsley hosts us in her chic and spacious Union Square apartment.

Carrie Kingsley, 7pm
Email us at kolhakfar@yahoo.com for the address
(Carrie has a sleepy French Bulldog named Dozer)

See you on Friday,

Zachary from Kol haKfar


1) Want free High Holiday services? Check out the always awesome Town and Village Synagogue http://tandv.org/ and the always welcoming Village Yontif  http://www.villageyontif.com/

2) Our very own Joshua Brook, aka J.B. Alexander, performs in Helen of Troy as Menelaus on Sept 12-15. http://www.loizidis.com/

3) Join our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/kolhakfar .

4) Live between 34th Street and Canal? Interested in hosting KhK? Let us know!

We're looking for new leaders and people to give a d'var torah. Please email us.

6) Please stay tuned for an upcoming Community Meeting.

Kol haKfar 
"Voice of the Village"
The Downtown Egalitarian Minyan
Contact Us: kolhakfar@yahoo.com


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