Sunday, September 30, 2012

Shalom friends,

Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, hosts a very special gathering this Friday night, October 5th, by Andrew Klaber's place in Alphabet City. We're having a huge turnout so please bring festive vegetarian foods and drinks to share -- and wear layers because it will get chilly. Since we'll be outside. In our new Sukkah!

Big thanks to Carrie Kingsley and Ben Folkinshteyn for making the arrangements and even executing a road trip to the wilds of Passaic, New Jersey for shrewd negotiations and b'shert car dimension engineering with our new friend Moshe at "Happy Sukkah." We especially thank all of you who have contributed so generously in the past -- we were very economical and bought a really great and lasting sukkah. (Rentals turn out to cost more.) For those who haven't contributed to the minyan, or would like to do so again, we kindly ask that you consider a small donation to Kol haKfar: Funds go to events like these, web hosting, buying siddurim and reimbursing hosts for meals.

We're fine-tuning the exact location of the sukkah for this Friday. It will be by Andrew Klaber's well-appointed home in the sky. We're also looking for volunteers to arrive around 4pm to help build and decorate the Sukkah. Please email us at to volunteer, and please bring festive ornaments, gourds, tinsel, fruits, pictures and more.

Andrew Klaber's place, Oct 5th 7pm (4pm for Sukkah construction)
Email us for the address
Please Donate:
Tell Us What You're Bringing:

Chag Sameach,

Zachary from KhK


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