Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Shalom friends,

I hope everyone in our community is safe and out of harm's way. I'm concerned about all of you. So many of us live downtown -- and pretty much all of us have relatives and friends in areas that have been severely effected in Long Island, New Jersey and elsewhere. I send my love and suport to your families, neighbors and to your many kehilot.

It's going to be very hard to organize a gathering this Friday since we have no power. We're monitoring the situation and will try to send an email Thursday night with an update, if I can get to a place with power and an internet connection. Otherwise, we'll meet again on November 16th.

Unfortunately we're facing a major shortage of hosts for coming gatherings. I sent out an appeal to some of our very generous regulars, but we've had little response. Please let us know if you can host on Nov 16th, December 7th or December 21st.

Be well, stay safe and enjoy the Shabbat-like conditions downtown.

-- Zachary


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