Monday, October 15, 2012

Kol haKfar gathers this Friday in Gramercy


Kol haKfar gathers this Friday, October 19 at 7pm at the home of our new hosts, the fabulous newlyweds Jon & Jocelyn. We'll have spirited davening, a delicious meal, and l'chaims galore. Please join us, and please bring friends. 

RSVPs aren't strictly necessary, but we'd appreciate if you could let us know what you're bringing by responding to this email or on our spreadsheet ( Our hosts will serve a vegetarian/dairy main course and the minyan will provide sparkling wine to toast the night away, but we ask that you bring vegetarian side dishes, desserts, or wine to round out the meal.

Jon & Jocelyn Garfunkel, 7pm
(email us for the address)

We were thrilled that so many of you came to celebrate Sukkot on October 5th in our brand new sukkah. If you'd like to support the minyan so we can continue to have exciting celebrations, you can donate online by clicking the "Donate" button at on the right side of the page, or send a check made out to "Kol haKfar" by snail mail or from your online bank to 41 Grove St #4B, NY, NY 10014. 

Shavua tov,

Carrie from Kol haKfar


1) Our very own Joshua Brook, aka J.B. Alexander, performs in The Metamorphosis, an original one-man show on Saturday, October 20, at 2pm in Theater Row near Times Square.

2) Join our Facebook page: .

3) Live between 34th Street and Canal? Interested in hosting KhK? Let us know!

4) We're looking for new leaders and people to give a d'var torah. Please email us.

Kol haKfar 
"Voice of the Village"
The Downtown Egalitarian Minyan


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