Thursday, November 01, 2012

Hello friends,

Kol haKfar, the voice (if not the light) of the Village, gathers tomorrow night in the West Village for an evening of spirited prayer, a truly potluck meal and the full camaraderie of our kehilah. Since there's no power, things will be run a little differently:

We ask you to please bring a food item to share that doesn't need heat or refrigeration, or that can at least survive a few hours on a counter top. The host won't be providing a main course since there's no real way to cook for a crew. We're talking orzo side dishes, baked pasta, couscous with roasted vegetables, leaf salads, challah, or whatever you can gather from a shop open north of 34th Street. (Who knew the borders of our community would be so well marked?!) Also, depending on who shows up, we may not have a prayer leader. We'll all have to be flexible. Lastly, there's no power, so there are no buzzers. If you'd like to join us, please show up between 7pm - 7:30pm. We'll have someone downstairs to open the door. After that, sadly we won't be able to keep anyone downstairs, because that stinks for them. We will check every half hour so, but be prepared for a long wait if you're late. 

Zachary Thacher's place, 7pm

There's no easy way to respond to your questions or calls, but please do try to use our handy spreadsheet to indicate what you will bring. 

Should be fun.

Be safe,


PS Thanks in advance to Carrie for making a (hopefully cautious) trek on her bicycle with all the siddurim. And for Ben's expert suggestions and advice as we all coordinate in the dark.


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