Monday, March 25, 2013

Shalom Friends,

Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, wishes all of you a very festive and meaningful Pesah. To celebrate, we will be hosting a 5th Friday gathering during Chol Moed in Brooklyn -- in other words, we're meeting this Friday across the Red Sea, er, the East River. 

The minyan is catering a kosher l'pesah fleischig meal. Our lovely host is Clara, a long time minyan regular and a first time host. Her chic space is perfectly sized for a smaller gathering, so we have to cap attendance at 25. RSVP is mandatory for this event and unfortunately we will not be able to accomodate non-RSVPs. We also ask for a contribution to help defray the costs of the meal.

To attend, please email us or better yet, please fill out the spreadsheet: 5sg. 

We ask all guests to contribute $18 via PayPal on Or you can bring a check which we'll collect before tefilot. Also, to further limit costs, we kindly ask you to bring a bottle of k'l'p wine or non-alcoholic beverage to share.

-- email for address --

Chag sameach!

Zachary and the whole KhK crew


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