Tuesday, January 01, 2013

L'Shana Chadasha -- To a good new year,

Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, rings in the New Year with a cozy gathering chez Zachary Thacher in the Village. We'll have spirited davening followed by a vegetarian/dairy potluck meal. There's no need to RSVP, but we always appreciate it when you use the spreadsheet (http://bit.ly/hwR5sg) to show what you're bringing. And please bring friends...

Zachary Thacher, 7pm
--email kolhakfar@yahoo.com for the address--

In other news, we're having our annual community meeting in the coming weeks. We encourage you to attend so your voice is heard in guiding our kehilah. We will bribe you with pizza and beer. 

The board will talk finances, we will accept nominations for Trustee and Secretary of KhK and we will accept nominations for expanding the board by one seat. Carrie's term of office as Trustee is up and she's volunteered to serve again. She's done an incredible job in the past two years. Also, with your blessing, we'd like to expand the board by one seat to better charm new hosts and recruit new members. I'm nominating Leora Singer for the role - she's done a wonderful job in guiding the minyan with key advice, graciously hosting us for years in two separate homes, and always bringing new friends into the fold. All other nominations are fully accepted and welcomed. I look forward to a lively and positive discussion.

Please stay tuned for the date and time. If you have any questions, comments, criticisms, suggestion or thoughts, please email us at kolhakfar@yahoo.com. Your voice is key to improving Kol haKfar.

I wish all of you a wonderful 2013. You have built a community with your love and dedication. I can't wait for more.

-- Zachary


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