Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Shalom Kol haKfarians,

Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan gathers this Friday night in Carrie Kingsley's inviting home for a night of Shabbat prayer and a dairy potluck meal. Carrie will be honoring her mother's yahrzeit by sponsoring the main course and by bringing sparkling wine, her mother's favorite. Carrie asks that you please bring other beverages, dairy/pareve side dishes and dessert to share. 

We don't require RSVP, but we ask you to please indicate what you're bringing on the spreadsheet (http://bit.ly/hwR5sgso the host can plan the evening. Using the spreadsheet takes only a moment and is a huge help for our hard working hosts. If you can't access Google Docs, please email us at kolhakfar@yahoo.com.  
Carrie Kinglsley, 7pm
--email us for the address at KolhaKfar@yahoo.com---

In other news, we are in need of hosts. Please email us to open your home to a ravenous mob of furniture-shredding Jews, I mean, a charming kehilah of relaxed New Yorkers looking to celebrate Shabbat with new and old friends. We promise to use inventive superlatives to describe your home in our emails.

Lastly, a big mazel tov to Leora Singer for joining the board. She's already been a huge help in organizing future gatherings and in steering the minyan. Want to be active in minyan leadership? Please email us your thoughts or ideas and we'll gladly welcome your help.

Have a great week,

Zachary from KhK 


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