Monday, March 11, 2013

Shalom Friends,

Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, gathers this Friday at 7pm at the lovely home of Jon & Jocelyn. We'll have spirited Shabbat davening, a delicious community dairy meal and a d'var Torah. Please join us, and please bring beverages and side dishes to share. Please let us know what you're bringing by emailing or filling out the spreadsheet: 5sg. It's a big help to our hosts as they generously open their homes to the minyan.

Jon & Jocelyn Garfunkel, 7pm
--email us for the address--

In other news, we're contemplating a festive k'l'p meal during Chol Moed if we can secure a host. Have an apartment downtownish that can fit 30 friendly and incredibly good looking people? Want to scoring points in the divine spheres of celestial goodness? Please shoot us an email: 

For the first time, the minyan is participating with other communities to commemorate Yom haShoah this April. Please join us on April 7 at 2pm at Temple Emanu-El on 5th and 65th. The attached graphic has more details or you can go to


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