Monday, April 01, 2013


Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, meets this Friday night in the East Village. We'll be at Andrew Klaber's lofty apartment in the sky to celebrate Shabbat with davening and a dairy/vegetarian meal that will feature... chametz! 

Please join us. We don't require RSVPs -- last minute non-planners are always encouraged to join -- but it makes our hosts lives much easier to get a preliminary headcount. Please let us know if you can attend and what you're bringing to the community meal by emailing or filling out our spreadsheet We always need vegetarian side dishes, desserts, beverages and plates & cups.

Andrew Klaber, 7pm
--email us at for the address--


This Sunday: The minyan is participating with other communities to commemorate Yom haShoah this Sunday. Please join us on Sunday, April 7 at 2pm at Temple Emanu-El on 5th and 65th. Please go to for more information. We encourage you to attend and to please donate to the cause

Social: Become a fan of our Facebook page to keep up to date with Kol hakfar:

Thank you,

Zachary from KhK


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