Monday, April 29, 2013

Shalom friends,

Kol haKfar, the downtown egalitarian minyan, gathers this Friday evening for spirited davening and a light kiddish in the Flatiron District. We normally host a community meal, but it's a hectic work week and we'll have a nice glass of kosher wine instead to keep things simple. Our lovely host is Leora Signer, recently back from the homeland of Game of Thrones. (That's set in contemporary England, right?)

Please join us and please bring friends. Even though we're not having a formal meal, we always appreciate it when you let us know if you're coming and what you're bringing -- maybe some wine, challah, fruit or cookies. Please let us know via email ( or on our spreadsheet (

Leora Singer, 7pm
email us for the address --

Have a great week,

Zachary from KhK


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